Known Sentient Species in S.H.A.L.T.

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There are ten known sentient species in the world of S.H.A.L.T.; it goes without saying that many more remain to be discovered. Here's a quick review of the known species.
Traders extraordinaire, the Arkturians never met a species they couldn't profit from. Their homeworld is rather arid, short on living supplies but rich in minerals and ore. They have parlayed this metals specialization into a trading empire that shelters them from most harm, while expanding far beyond raw materials to encompass anything at all that will earn them a living.
The concept of a sentient fungus is not one that sits well with many academians, but for the Dascoids it is an obvious fact. While most other species grudgingly accept the Dascoids as peers, it cannot be denied that they lag in technological prowess. Dascoids lean heavily on Arkturian benevolence for space travel, and in exchange they use their large numbers to serve as the backbone of the Arkturian trading empire.
Eydep Agem
Intelligence doesn't always arise on dry land. The Eydep Agem are an aquatic species; they find space travel cumbersome, but they have adapted to explore it. When travelling among air-breathers, Eydep Agem use a complex mentally-controlled portable habitat, though such travel remains limited. Because of the difficulty in bridging the biosphere gap, the Eydep Agem tend to be isolated from most other species, using intermediaries to handle most matters.
Flei Trigossi
A society with a short-term memory is a society of chaos. Add to it an avian species with a culture of flightiness, a streak of hostility, and a strong taboo against eye contact, and one has to wonder how that society ever staggered out of the stone age. But somehow the Flei Trigossi persevered despite a history of near-constant warfare. Inveterate tinkerers, they've ventured to the stars to -- well, no one really remembers.
The great species of hairless monkeys has not quite managed to dominate the galaxy to the degree they portray themselves in their own literature. It's undeniable that Humans are a significant player in the galactic scene, but for many species they are an irritation more than anything. Irascible, clever, and ruthless, Humans are quick to find ways to dominate their immediate situation but seldom succesfully collaborate on a truly massive scale.
Life's tough for an energy-based species. Anything other that the vacuum of space is a lethal environment, which certainly cuts back on the socializing with carbon-based species. Lugiani build societies around inhabitable stars, often the same stars with inhabitable planets. They have developed means of interacting with the other known sentient species; though for the most part the Lugiani show little interest in galactic affairs, a few venture forth for knowledge and adventure.
Mormalli Illu
What is life? Do we really exist? These Philosophy 101 questions form the fundamental paradox of the Mormalli Illu. Mormalli Illu have no natural physical appearance. A species of illusion, they have forsaken material form and exist in a permanent energy-based illusory form. At best, the Mormalli Illu believe that there are no species -- that all are Mormalli Illu taking the form of other species. At worst, they come to believe their own illusions of themselves as a physical creature capable of life and death.
Neptunian Space Bear
No species is better recognized than the Neptunian Space Bears. The inhabitants of the eighth planet have participated in galactic affairs for a lot longer than those of the third. Insufferably curious, the Space Bears participate in all manner of diplomatic and commercial endeavors simply out of a desire to be at the front row of the excitement. Space Bears are sought after as mediators and trading partners because of their detached fairness and thorough scrutiny of any endeavor.
Humanoids. There's just so darn many of them. The Ooshneel see this as an unfortunate inconvenience, and like any diligent caretaker they do their best to get rid of the pests. This crystalline species owes its spacefaring capability to the actions of a group of misguided Humans, but they never let gratitude interfere with their hatred of the lesser species. Individuals have learned to live and work with other species, but most encounters with Ooshneel go poorly.
Rei Noo Mai
The Rei Noo Mai suffer short and brutal lives. Seldom living beyond 25 years and adhering to a culture where disagreements are settled through lethal force, those that survive long enough to explore space tend to be hardy and ruthless. The Rei Noo Mai don't live long enough to build a steady technological base, so their strategy is to buy, borrow, and steal from other species, cobbling together what they need from what they have. Their culture favors the family unit over the individual.