We can hardly believe it but sometimes people write to say something nice. It feels good
to know that we have helped a few pathetic lost souls attempting to navigate the information
traffic jam. We thank you all for taking the time to write and hope you will find it in your hearts
to forgive us for the flippant replies we gave to your lovingly crafted pearls of wisdom.
If you'd like to make a Cave Drawing of your own, please report to the Main Cave.

From Auburn Solstice on 5 September 2003:
Not that it matters, but I'm sitting here searching for information on how to
replace my pcv valve and I came across your site. Just wanted to say that I
got a kick out of your witty answers to some really obvious questions. Keep up
the good work!!
Awww shux, you're too kind. We accept PayPal.

From K E R B on 2 January 2003:
Hey . love the site . Been reading about your Outback adventure . found
it to be hilarious and disappointed to note 3 days were missing . are
you going to post these ?
Monday, August 6, Mt. Ebenezer to Erlunda
Tuesday, August 7, Erlunda to Barkly Homestead
Wednesday, August 8, Barkly Homestead to Townsville
Yay! Someone's enjoying the Outback Adventure. Don't worry; I'll complete the series. I'm hoping to finish up by the end of January.

From Jeff Long on 13 December 2002:
I know you guys are busy and provide this service as a labor of love, so
I'll keep this brief. THANK YOU. You have created something to be proud
of and I will contribute some info in the future that may be of value to
other visitors.
Aww shucks, this is the nicest thing anyone's said to us all year. Wouldn't it be neat if you started a trend of people mailing in tips and suggestions instead of whiny complaints?

From Kim & her dawgz on 25 November 2002:
Stumbled across this by accident. Love it!
I have a black and wheat combo too. I love what you say about inferior
breeds etc.
Nothing in the world like a scottie! Cat wrapped up in a doggie suit.
PM & The Harley Boyz
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the pics of our Scotties. One of these days we'll post some fresh pictures.

From Cathy Comet on 6 November 2002:
You'r sight seems to be very interesting, had a little problem reading it
through, would suggest that you chang e the color of the writing to a darker
color. Would be alot easyer to read.
Thanks Cathy. Try turning up your brightness.

From Bob Metz on 6 November 2002:
I _love_ your site. If you're from Neptune, then I must be also -- your
commentary says exactly what I think about our car hobby. I particularly
appreciate that you understand that we don't _have_to_ understand another
guy's point of view, but we can appreciate his enthusiasm (with some rare
exceptions -- such as the '85 Vette).
FWIW, I drive a couple of Lotuses, an '89 Esprit Turbo and a '70 Elan
Thanks for putting the time into something so entertaining.
Bob, thank you! The car hobby needs ALL enthusiasts to survive -- from Lotus drivers to fart-piped Honda drivers. We all have a role. But that doesn't mean we all have to agree. Is this a great country or what?

From David Muto on 24 May 2002:
This e-mail is a great big thanks for the priceless information you have
provided for the general public. If only there were more people like
Crikey, a SECOND thank-you in ONE DAY?! We've just received an entire year's worth of friendly fan mail! Well, thanks guys, go get yerself a Twinkie and enjoy!

From Johnny Rebello on 24 May 2002:
Stop the presses, someone took the time to send us a thank-you?! Shocking! You're welcome!

From someone who thinks we give a damn on 23 May 2002:
You have won me over, even with your (that certain orange charger) remarks, with your
cold-heartedness and your "I'm too good for you" attitude, keep up the good work
because we will always need an S.O.B. just like you to answer all the dumbass
questions people just seem to have to ask.
It's not that I'm too good for you; it's just that you suck so bad.

From Jamie McLeod on 12 April 2002:
Hey I think that you have a great website. It has a ton of great info and stories.
I work at a 4x4 off road shop inFayetteville NC and love to find new stuff like this
keep up the good work. For a cool new website to check out toms4x4.com. Jamie
Thanks for the compliments, Jamie! I checked out your site and it is pretty flash, though I suspect modem people probably hate you.

From Thankful Elizabeth on 1 March 2002:
Thank you for your website!
You're welcome!

From Steve Brzeski on 1 September 2001:
Love the site! I own a 1970 charger and I hope the info keeps coming.
Thank you
No worries, Steve! My Charger is giving me plenty of opportunities for great new stories.

From Someone Who Really Likes His TC by
Maserati on 20 August 2001:
great page, get another shelby, theyre alot of fun to make fast
Thanks for the support, but unless you're paying, I'll have to respectfully decline.

From Kathleen Menendez on 23 May 2001:
Reference your charming critique, quoted in part below, I thought I'd
let you know the J. Wm. Fosdick piece is pyrography, aka, burnt wood or
fire etched.
---------------quote on Fosdick
[snipped for space]
I have never seen the piece in person. I live near Washington, DC. Is
it at the Smithsonian there? I research this art form and write
articles about it.
Thanks for your critique. You had a good time doing it, I'm sure. :-)
Best regards,
kathleen menendez
Falls Church, Virginia
curator, E-Museum of Pyrographic Art:
Hi Kathleen! Wow, a real art scholar reading The Smith
Institution. What is the world coming to? Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I surely wish
I could continue the series. Ah well... anyway, thanks for the information about the piece!
And to return the favor, it is located in the National Museum
of American Art, which is closed for renovation through 2003. Some of the collection is on
tour, so you might check the website for information.

From Blake Ratchford on 30 April
i had to write u..i found ur page from soemone on mIRC, its great, very funny,.
i've came accross people like that
ahaha i cant get over it, way to go!!
Thanks man... posers are everywhere. Keep it real! Real timeslips, real dyno runs that is!
Walk the walk if you gonna talk the talk. And submit your own additions to Hot Rodders Translated!

From Ted and Brenda Quinn on 4 March 2001:
Love the pictures of your wonderful scottish family. I have two girls
(mother and daughter) - Betsy and Molly (Betsy @ 5.5 yrs and Molly @ 2.5
years. Betsy is the queen and Molly the challenging princess of our
household! I'm going to try to e-mail you pictures of our girls. We
managed to get Betsy's Canadian championship ... but alas Molly's too small
(only 15.5 lbs.) and TOO BAD to do anything in the ring other than look
absolutely beautiful and try and take on every other dog in the ring! I'm
the area Scottie Rescue rep. - have been a breed worshipper for the past 20
years since we got our first Scottie - they have such wonderful
personalities (and so what if my Betsy thinks the pots and pans in the oven
drawer are going to jump out and attack her Mom and so must be conquered?)
Here are our little sweethearts.
Thanks for the compliments! I love having the Hall of Scottish
Terriers just so I get to meet other Scottie owners. The picture you sent arrived just fine, and
your pooches look adorable (and much better groomed than mine). I haven't posted it here
because you haven't given me express permission to do so. Cheers!

From Jamey Booterbaugh on 2 February 2001:
Dear Brian:
Are you the man who was responsible for the splendid "Jim's Journal" the DA
featured oh so many years ago? If you are, I commend you for your work.
After the comic departed from the paper, my roommate and I, both steady
readers of the stellar strip, lamented the fact that our beloved Jim's Journal
was gone.
"You know what's good?" he used to say.
"Jim's Journal."
"You're right," I'd say.
Regardless of you're the writer of that strip or not, as a WVU PI Reed graduate,
I send you greetings. Impressive resume, by the way.
Hi Jamey! Nope, that was a syndicated strip. 'fraid I don't know the artist's full name. I just
a parody of it in the Daily
Athenenianium. You know what else is good? "An e-mail coming from someone who
visited my website that is thoughtful and well-written, rather than the hopeless mush of
misspellings, tortured puncutation, and opaque grammar that I usually get." Thanks for taking the
time to drop me a note. It was refreshing. You wanna know something funny? P.I. Reed is
misspelled on my diploma. Yep, the diploma says "Perley Issac Reed". At first I thought I might
demand a correction but then I decided it was much more amusing this way. In most of my
J-classes such an error would have been an automatic F on the assignment.

From East Coast Tim on 20 January 2001:
i cheched out yer site. it looks pretty good. do you mind if i use some of
your pics on my site for the east coast f-body nationals. the pic i was
looking at was the kinda angle view of the car sitting on the country road.
that is a really sweet shot. i will make the pic link back to your site as i
have done with most of the other pics on the site.
Hi Tim! No problem using the photo you found in the Hall of
the IROC-Z. Just send me a link to where it's going and I'm happy. I'll also throw in a link
back at your East Coast F-Body Nationals through the F-Body

From Mark Shuttlesworth on 10 January
The photos of your scotties are great....
I have two of my own, Avery and Murphy, who are wonderful little guys.
Thanks for posting the photos.
Hey! Glad you found my pictures of my Scotties, Taz and Heather. I have some more that I
haven's scanned yet... I should do that. They're pretty good. Watch for them in the Hall of Scottish Terriers.

From Bill Barnes on 2 January 2001:
great page. hope i never piss you off via a venue in which you can publicly
ridicule me!!! i laughed quite a bit at your replies to the certain orange charger
comments... especially the top 10 list. good stuff.

From a Mopar nut called "snake" on 24 November
LOVE this site guys, I have one just like it, SAME COLOR TOO! i've done alot of glass
and bondo work, had a 72 charger, and had to sell it after $8030.00 of down the
drainage...... also have a 72 dutster- my kids call it the trusty dusty, and as for
my charger, lets just ay it ROCKS! You've got one heck of a great car there guys,
take care of it (as you are) and good luck! By the way, there is ALOT of sneaky rust,
so don't wait too long to patch it up!
---------A fellow OLD MOPAR NUT.------------------------
Pictures? Where are the pictures? I'd love to see some idea of what my car could be someday!
I've got plenty of "before" shots in the Hall of the Charger
but it'll be a while before there are any conclusive "after" shots. Hang in there though, coz when
they happen, they'll happen here on Neptune first!

From Mike Wilson on 23 October 2000:
Although I am not a party to a class action, I am a Master Certified
Auto Mechanic, and do try to gather information on many automotive
related products and services.To date, your web site and info has been
some of the most honest, unbiased, and comprehensive
sources I have viewed or read to date. Keep up the GOOD work and feel
free to e-mail me with any related information. Sincerely, Mike.
Well thank you Mike! That's very kind. It's kind of embarrassing though, because Wheellegal is a bit out of date. We have the documents to
more than a half-dozen other federal suits, but we're so darn lazy that we haven't keyed them into
HTML yet. We'll give you a hit: STP fans are gonna be disappointed...

From Dave Horey on 25 August
Hey guys,
Great job with the site! I am also a Lotus fan without having one, and I
think that it is a noble effort that you undertook putting this up. Perhaps
you should make Lotus aware of the site and ask for a discount!
Great job,
Dave Horey
Computer Programmer
Hey Dave! You're much too kind. The Lotus Link-A-Rama is
a sadly-neglected corner of Neptune, and we apologize for it. But we'll take that discount... say...
10%... that should bring the price down to $72,000... drat! Still can't do it.

Car Craft is pretty much the coolest car magazine
out there these days. Filled with carbys and V8s and rear-by-God-wheel-drive, they first appear to
be like many other hot rodder type zines. But their last editor, David Freiburger (we liked this
so much, we can spell his name without looking it up), took Car Craft a step beyond the rest by
declaring that there would be no more bull. Real prices, real buildups on real cars that real people
can buy. While they have had their deviations from this, they quickly became the frontrunner
magazine for enthusiasts who actually have tools in their garage, not Lexus-powered trailer
queens. By some miracle, Freiburger got promoted rather than canned and we weren't too sure
about his replacement, this Matt King guy. But so far so good. Stay the course, Matt.
Matt won fans here at Neptune when, in his inaugural issue, he included a writeup on Paradise Garage. It's on page 12 of the August 2000 issue, and
we've included a scan of the actual newsbrief to the right. We're not sure where they got the idea
that we're Canadian (we're in Virginia), but nevertheless this is a huge honor for us. It's sort of
like reading the Bible and suddenly discovering you'd been singled out in Genesis. Thank you,
Matt, and thank you, Car Craft!

From John LeBlanc on 6 July 2000:
Hey guys......
Thanks for the cool like in your tech section at Paradise Garage.
I was amazed to find us there. Saw a post from Bry (MA f-body mailing list)
about being in Car Craft and went to check things out.
Nice job, congrats on the Car Craft publicity AND thanks for making my day
(me stumbling over that link)
John! Good to hear from you! Hey, you didn't get that link because we're in the same club.
Actually I didn't make the connection between you and MBA Products until you sent this message! Your
company got in Technical Paradise on its own merits. However, I
think I should really add your company to the F-Body
Link-A-Rama as well. If that's okay, of course. Now, what's my price on a custom throttle
body plate...?

From Kristen E. on 20 January 2000:
(For the record - I rarely am motivated enough to e-mail anyone I don't know,
so this is pretty remarkable for me. I'm also sure you're thrilled.)
I've lived in Washington, DC, for the past few years. I've carefully avoided
all but the occasional "Lev"atribe, until this week. I kept being drawn to
them like a magnet and after reading them, feeling like my head was going to
I hate him.
So, just this evening, I said to my friend, "I know, I'll start a website!
I'll name it www.ihateboblevey.com or fireboblevey.com or
bobleveyistheultimateinsiderwashingtonjerk.com or ....." I'll assume you get
the picture.
Imagine my mixture of glee tainted with a dollop of disappointment to find
your site. But no matter - I love it. Too bad you're not here anymore. You
would have heard him just today defend the "honor" of an idiot woman
(probably a turn-signal impaired SUV owner) who left her Union Station
parking garage ticket IN her car, ate lunch, returned to her car and got
ticked off at the minimum wage earning parking lot attendant for charging her
$12 for not having the ticket validated.
I have to quote - "But the Golden Rule is the best reason why the parking
company should change its ways.
"This was a woman who made a simple mistake. Why soak her for it? Do parking
attendants never make potentially expensive mistakes?
"Here's a hiss, with cheese on top, for a policy that's rigid, greedy and
I also have to iterate - I hate him.
Thanks for the site.
Oh come on Kristen tell us how you REALLY feel!! We admit it -- we could get his column
online if we really felt like it. We got so little feedback about Bust
Bob's Chops that it hardly seemed worth the labor and mental anguish. But your passion
makes us pause and wonder whether we did not give the enterprise a fair chance. Perhaps we will
try again. We'll have to think about this. Check back in a while.

On January 3, 2000, SN95.com selected Joshua's 1995 Mustang GT as Car of the
Month. It looked like this:
While Josh's Mustang site isn't part of Neptune, his car is a major player in Paradise Garage; the "fine written tech articles" are in fact our own
Stories From the Garage as linked from Josh's website. So
we're taking the compliment as well. Thanks, SN95.com!

From Marcia Sullivan on 19 November 1999:
I love all of the pictures of Taz and Heather!! They certainly have
things under control, I'd say! My FAVORITE picture is the one of Taz
full of pine needles, brambles, or SOMETHING that isn't usually found on
Scotties!! Too cute!!
Yeah, ol' burr-face sure knows how to give the local brambles a stern lashing!

From Dorene Cross on 17 November 1999:
-- They are very cute nice web page Is it warm down there
Okay, now even my dogs get more fan mail than I do.

From Cheryl Flewharty on 17 November 1999:
Yep, looks like Taz and Heather have everything under
control. And that picture with the two of them guarding
Col. Mosby is a keeper. Yeah, ya just gotta love em!!!
Awww shux. Yea, they're a couple of sweeties... sometimes. Heh. Scottish Terriers
definitely keep you on your toes. My two have their own webpage: Hall of Scottish Terriers.

From A Guy Who Calls Himself 'Fox' on 26
October 1999:
After hours of browsing (literally) digging for
information on how to make a daily driver of my 1970
Lemans, I came accross your website. The info sure
proved to be helpful to one working with no manual,
but between this site and a very few other links I
managed without one (especially the shift kit and
header articles thanks). I enjoyed reading the
spacebears racing journals, not only informative but
fun to read as well. And thanks, I'll never put
slack50 in my car :o). BTW the car is running well
after the latest 3 angle valve job and here are the
results that you've helped me achieve
HP= 350 @ 4600
Tq= 420 ft-lbs @ 2800
1/4= 13.95 @ 99 MPH
Not bad I guess for a 3500 lb car using a standard
torque converter, of course I could stand some improvement.
Dude! 420 lb-ft of torque! That RULES!! I am so glad we could help you get there. The shift
kit and headers are among our favorites too! What can I say -- we don't get paid for this; it's a
labor of love. Thanks for letting us know someone out there actually reads it! Keep the shiny side
up bro!

From Harold Flanagan on 3 October 1999:
Mr. Brian!
When you call someone a sloped head, make sure you know what person you
are saying it to..:) The letter was from my wife...:) So, she's the
sloped head!(smile) Women-you gotta love 'em! So I guess I am one up on
you...:) No offense taken on the response. Keep up the good work!
(Replying with that lingering aftertaste of shoe leather) Yep I got it wrong. And I got it wrong
for a Neanderthal sexist reason too: I assumed because the writer asked whether the Charger was
for sale, that the writer was male. Hahaha, just remember, idiocy isn't a permanent condition, it's
passing state, and we all get our turn. Guess this one's mine. Now where did I put that

From Harold Flanagan on 1 October 1999:
You really should change the name of this page. I was looking for
something about cave paintings for my son. He needed it for school. Wow,
what a waste. Really thought I had found something useful. Oh well, Back
to the "drawing board". Oh, by the way, your site is pretty cool. Kind
of interesting so I guess not all was a total loss...:) Keep up the good
work! Are you sure the Charger is not for sell???
Harry, it's like this. "Cave Drawings" is a little joke at your expense. You see, most of the
e-mail I receive appears to have been written by Neanderthals, so... oh, never mind. This stuff is
waaaay over your sloped head. Here's some mastodon-blood fingerpaint; the Certain Orange
Charger fan club is to your right. Maybe you can teach those guys the magic of fire.

From Mike Z. on 14 May 1999:
Hey i ordered a set of those CAT back exhaust systems for my mustang
and i am embarrassed to say im a Engineering Major
with a physics minor and i feel like a idiot
i tried snaking the tail pipes over the rear axles and could not fit
them thru and it wasnt untill i saw your web page when i snaped
i was holding up the car on the differential what a MORON!
So i feel like a MORON for not seeing i was rasing up the axle closer
the the undercarrige and taking away room that i needed to snake them in
My pride is hurt really bad but thanks to you guys i know why it didnt
Thanks Bros keep up the good work on the cars and the WEbpage
Many thanks and May you have Low ETs thanks man .
Hey bro, we all feel like morons at some point. Don't even ask us why we had to replace the
radiator on a '95 Mustang. You don't wanna go there. We're all just glad that Installing Cat-Back Exhaust was able to help. Drop us a
note anytime!

From James O'Brien on 30 Apr 1999:
I just found this web site the other day, and I gotta tell ya I love
it. The certain Orange Charger debates crack me up. Shoot when I was a
kid I loved the show I loved the car, or rather the nostalgia of it. but
the paint job or rather pain job sucked. It sucked then it sucks now,
as long as people have vision in color it will probably always suck I
just got my own 71 charger out of a junkyard for 100 dollars the body
might have a ping dent on it somewhere but I didn't see it and I'm a
body man still has the original gold paint on it but the car is stripped
and I mean stripped it's just a body I'm considering anything on it more
than the body a bonus. I bought the car cause I thought it looked cool
and could be resurrected, but I don't have a lot of money to work with
here is there any guide that will tell me what parts off what cars will
work? As I believe I'll be working allot out of dollar you pull it junk
yards. Well I appreciate any advice you can give and I'll keep coming
p.'s. Seen allot of talk about 70 and pre 70 chargers doesn't anyone
like the 71? Doesn't really matter bought the car for myself not anyone
else but I wondered if it was Collectable or ever would be. I myself
was a chevy man till I saw it, hee hee I'm not sure but I believe I
popped wood over it and the price was right. Well that's all for now
hope your still responding to these letters. Oh ya sorry if my
punctuation, spelling, or grammar suck it's 3 in the morning and I don't
Okay, let's see... where to begin? Ah yes... it's not necessary to find the bottom of the 2-litre
Mountain Dew jug every night... you might want to cut it back to, say, 1 litre.... To address your
concerns, you're really on the right track! Chrysler is notorious for parts sharing, and junkyards
are notorious for charging double for the same part because it came off a Challenger instead of a
Newport. One resource to find the cheap versions of the same parts is the Chrysler Muscle Car
Parts Interchange Manual. This book should be in the Neptune Public
Library, but it is not, and neither is a lot of other good resources. I promise to update
that in the next couple of days. By ordering through my links, I get a small fee (which doesn't
affect your total cost) which helps defray the costs of this website. But even more useful to you
will be the Mopar Parts Book, an absolutely amazing resource. It costs a lot but it is worth it. Lloyds Auto Literature sells a reprint. I bought mine
from Lloyd and he is an honest fellow. Please let him know where you found the link. And
don't worry about your '71 Charger being collectible. Because you're parting it together, it will
never be a concours winner (the numbers just won't match to their liking) but it'll be a beautiful
car and warmly received by enthusiasts. This site leans heavily on the 1970 year only because
that's what I happen to have.

From Susan Schreurs on 15 Nov 1998:
Congratulations on a fine looking site. It's delightful to see that
there are so many interesting links to, shall we say, interesting people
and ideas. Keep it up, and pretty soon people will post cave drawings
for free!
Hey -- you sound just like my mother!!

From Kara Schreurs on 7 Oct 1998:
Cheers to Neptune - a spectacular website that has so much to offer. I
especially enjoy the results of your talented photography. Your hard work has
not gone unnoticed.
Please tell my agent that I haven't heard from him in months, and I want to know just how
long it's going to take to investigate the market for my photography in Tijuana. (Kara refers to
the Gallery of Fine Art)

From Eric Trager on 28 Sept 1998:
Bravo, Bry. A site that's practical is becoming a rare find now that the
Internet is starting to rot a little. Keep this one healthy and you'll
keep us coming back.
Also, I want to mention that if you're out there on the road and you
insist on crawling along at the speed limit or close to it, get the [heck]
out of the left lane. I'm tired of having to ride my brakes along behind
you just so I can do something explicitly illegal and pass you on the
right. Make these situations win-win, not lose-lose, OKAY?
Matter of fact, we address this very issue in Bob vs. Light-
Flickers. Seems ol' Bob Levey is on The Other Side. Or is it The Far Side?

From Dennis Edwards on 28 Sept 1998:
Great job Bry! I still say you have entirely too much time on your hands! And
kudos for your thoughts on that "Certain Orange Charger." In reality, it was
a trashed old 318 2bbl slug, with which the background was clocked faster than
the car!
Too much...? Clocks must run slower in California! By the way, the estimable Mr. Edwards
is referring to a passage in the Charger Link-A-Rama.

From Joshua Thomson on 17 Sept 1998:
This is a great site, although some of the references to me are just the
least bit insulting. All in all, however, a fine effort.
That's okay, some of the references to you are the least bit insulted.

From Steve Schreurs on 16 Sept 1998:
Neptune is fun and interesting Web site.
Your check's in the mail.

From Joshua Scott on 16 Sept 1998:
Your web site is cool. I like all the REALLY cool auto-related stuff.
Keep it coming! :)
I'm so cool, I have to wear shades. Or something.