We have a couple of GM F-body cars (Camaros and Firebirds) in our Stories From the Garage. Despite the fact that these cars have received little ink on our own pages, they remain popular. And they are excellent cars. But a lot of people come to us with inquiries for repairs and improvements, so we have gathered all such questions into this forum. A quick note to V6 F-body owners: our answer is going to be "buy a V8". Get over it.
If you'd like to make a Cave Drawing of your own, please report to the Main Cave.

From Chris Hire on 25 January 2004:
Will a "Daul Snorkel" air box that they put on third gen.
Fuel Injected Camaros fit on a firebird? It totaly looks like it should, but i have
NEVER seen one on a firebird...
Thank You for Your Time
Probably, but there's also probably a more effective aftermarket solution.

From Jason Davis on 21 January 2004:
how much work would it be to swap my 86 iroc 305 tpi with a newer 94 or up 350 tpi 6
Shouldn't be hard at all as long as you keep the LT1 computer. It won't like the TPI computer.

From Lerry Ded on 21 December 2003:
i wrote you once before and you helped me out, i am hopeing you can yet
again. i have a 1987 firebird formula 305 carb, i just recently replaced the fuel
pump and fuel filter, as the car had sat for a whle i was happy to get the job
done , when i took it for a test drive around the block all was going well
until the car suddenly lost power, then moments later died
it wouldnt start again unless i help the gs peddle to the floor then the same
result, run a bit then die, if i sit in park it stays running but at either a
really low idle or a really high idle, with a bit of spuddering... also its
smokeing out of the tail pipe just a little.
i checked the pressure from the pump and the fuel seems to be flowing fine
and the car was running great before the pump went out, i have tried all i can
think of, so here i am... i hope you can help me, and thank you for taking time
to read this
First stop: make sure you have the right fuel filter, and you put it in the right way. If you didn't tamper with anything else, and you're sure your old pump was the source of the problem, then it could be you got a defective replacement.

From Mark Lewandowski on 26 October 2003:
Hey, I have a 1994 Firebird manual V6 and am going to save some cash and
throw in a 1967 Oldsmobile 330 (310 hp/ 360 torque), do you think this
engine will just drop in? or will I have to make custom mounts / ect.? I
already know I'll have to get an aftermarket transmission and lengthen
or shorten the driveshaft and take out the factory gauges, do you think
I can be done? Thanks
This is a joke, right? You just wanted to see if I'd print this?

From Franque Fam on 7 October 2003:
Speed costs money... start with a fuel-injected supercharged 454 and scale back your ambitions to match your budget.

From Nathan Warden on 18 September 2003:
I have 97 Camaro that I just bought and it's got a squeak that's especially
noticeable a lower speeds. I am tempted to believe it's suspension related
because little bumps in the road are what most often make the squeak. I
"have" purchased the Haynes for it and the troubleshooting section was no
help(Or any other section I checked). I have also taken it to two mechanics
and asked several others about it, I get pretty much the same responses:
Idler arm bushings, shocks need replaced or the spoiler is loose.. it's none
of the afore mentioned problems. Shocks are new, bushings have been lubed
and the noise is on the underside of the car so it's not the spoiler(Besides
it's tight). When I crawl under the rear end and pull down on the car, it
sounds like it's coming from higher up in the car(above the exaustand axle),
is there something at the top of the shocks that could be squeaking or have
you ever heard of this before? Thanks in advance for your help and if you
don't know that's cool too - I am sure I'll figure it out, trial and error
you know.
First off, there gets to a point on a GM car where you have to accept that it makes sounds it didn't used to make. That said, I suspect the panhard bar.

From Lerry Ded on 15 September 2003:
i have a 1987 firebird formula, 305 carburated. i was wondering if you know
where i can find a diagram for replacing the fuel pump , its a mechancal not
electronic, any how i have two different books that dont really help at all,
also the is a relay box mounted next to my battery that no mechanic or anyone
else for that matter cn identify, so some if you could tell me where i can get
any engine diagrams that would help alot, thanks
Try a factory service manual, and maybe an assembly manual. Very nice stuff. Lots of diagrams.

From A Gronge on 1 September 2003:
Alright guys it looks like ya'll are pretty knowledgeable in car stuff so i
have to ask. Well Im working on improving performance on my 94 Z28 and am in
dire need of a new transmission. I was told TCI is one of the best so thats what
i plan to get. BUT, and thats a big BUT i dont know what type to get or the
original specs on my car and cant find them on the net, i looked for a couple
hours. Anyways to ease my troubles i was just hoping you guys would have a good
suggestion for what i should get for my stock 94 Z28, basically ready to go,
no mods attached, well maybe minor mods. Thanx for your help.
Yeah. You want to improve the performance of your Z28? Get a six-speed.

From Joanne Dochuk on 10 June 2003:
Hi I was wondering if you knew of a place where I can buy a set of "Firehawk"
stickers for the sides of the passenger and driver doors of my firehawk. I just
bought the car off of someone who took them off. Thanks for any help .Joanne
Well, SLP put them on the first time, so that'd be my first stop for getting more of them.

From Jimmy Metfan on 2 June 2003:
hi i dont know if i clicked the right link but where can i get any parts i
might need for my 1980 z28 im switching from an automatic to a manual
the part im looking for is not sold in year one or the paddock and its
discontinued at general motors
I'm not sure. Unfortunately for you Billy Graham favors fourth-gen F-bodies, but maybe he could offer some advice anyway.

From Allan Vaughn on 27 April 2003:
hey, my names allan and i have a 1988 firebird trans am with a 305 tbi
engine it. i am wanting to put in a 400 but know very little about
swapping engines. can you give me a rough estimate to have someone put
in the 400? i know ill have to change transmissions but thats about all
i know. also, if i have this put in will the car run without any
problems?....i do not mean to sound stupid but im 18 and learning as i
go so any info will be appreciated.
I can't give you a rough estimate because labor rates vary so widely, but a 400 smallblock should be a snap to drop in. Even the TH700R4 ought to bolt up. Are you planning on retaining the original induction system? It might prove inadequate for a 400. If you're trashing the TBI, are you going carb? In that case you'll have trouble with emissions. Still though, as engine swaps go this one shouldn't be too bad.

From Daniel Morris on 24 April 2003:
My friend has around a 95 or 96 Firebird V6 ( Which he
just totaled). Now he bought a 95 Z28. He said that
for $75 he would sell me his Flowmaster and High flow
Cat (Three Day old cat), if I would program his new
car with my HyperTech Programmer. My question for you
is, will these parts fit my 1994 Z28 even if they came
off of a V6 Firebird. Do you think that this is a
good deal.
Dan, you're pushing the limits of my expertise, as I don't have much experience with the 3/4-size engines. But, knowing GM's propensity to reuse as much as possible, I'd guess that everything behind the Y-pipe should be interchangeable. Hopefully, since he's a friend of yours, he'll give your money back if it doesn't work.

From Jeremy White on 10 April 2003:
Hey, I just bought myself a 1984 2.8L v6 camaro. She has a cherrybomb
exhaust for that extra loud sound. However, I am not too sure what kind of
upgrades I can do for her. I would like to increase the measley 107 hp with
some more but I am not sure what can be done. I understand she's only a 6
but is there anything that can be done? Thank you for your time
Not only is it a six, it's not even a good six. The best thing you could do for her is a heart transplant. If you can't bring yourself to do a V8 for whatever reason, see if you can manage to fit a 3.8L V6 in there. Get one of the supercharged units and it may even post respectable numbers.

From Daniel Morris on 3 April 2003:
Hey neptune,
Thanks for replying so quickly normally it takes
forever for people to respond.
I own a 94 camaro z28
Lastnight I had a little event occur, a mustang and I
had a little fun. But when my car hit 2nd or maybe it
was drive it pegged at 5500 or 6000 rpms and would not
shift, finally I had to let off of it to get it to
shift. The bad thing was while I was sitting at that
high rpms I wasn't gaining any speed so the mustang
caught me. But when I let off of the gas it finally
shifted and I left him in the dust. Why did it stay
in gear so long and refuse to shift?
Well Daniel, these kinds of things wouldn't happen if you had a manual transmission! For whatever reason the valve body seems to be a big chunged up (fancy technical term). When's the last time you had that sucker flushed? That'd be a good way to start. It may also be possible to make adjustments to the upshift rpm but I don't know enough about that transmission to tell you how to do it.

From Daniel Morris on 24 March 2003:
Hey neptune,
First I want to say that I love your website. I have
a 1994 Camaro z28 and there is a roar coming from my
rearend. First we thought that it was my brake caliber
sticking (it was sticking) but that didn't even faze
the roar. So now we think that it is my axle
bearings. Can you tell me if there is an inner and an
outer bearing like the old rearends? Do you know
where I can get/see a diagram of my rearend?
Hi Daniel, I dunno about the bearings off hand but you can probably get a diagram in a factory service manual. If you flog that Camaro your rear could be toast -- the GM 10-bolt is a notorious weak spot on those rather powerful musclecars. If you end up having to replace it, go with a 12-bolt.

From Jamie Sauers on 2 March 2003:
I am an owner of a 1970 Z28 with the original LT1. I would
like to have a data/build sheet with dyno results to say legitimately
that this engine did or did not produce the hp spec of 360 back in 1970!
Thank you for your help, in PA
Well, that all depends on how you measure it. Maybe you should check out Horsepower: Making it Add Up.

From K. Arsense on 21 February 2003:
just bought 95 camaro, with LT1 want to step up HP. was told I can buy kit,
heads cam etc to up HP to around 400 can you help
Whoa, you gotta be kidding! There are hundreds of performance parts for the LT1. 400 hp is not a problem on these engines, though it'll take more than heads and cam to do it. You need to start hanging out at Camaro Z28.com and get on a mailing list or two from F-body.org.

From David Tenney on 18 February 2003:
Hey guys I was wondering if a Pontiac 400 from a 68 Grand Prix will fit
in a 87 Firebird? is it a guarenteed chassis twister? and where could I
find headers to fit this engine chassis combo? I already tried Hookker
and Heddman Headers, no dice. Can you help?
Anything's possible, but this one may be harder than it's worth. Keep in mind that in 1968 Pontiac was using Pontiac engines, but by 1987 Pontiac was using GM engines along with the rest of the corporation. You will probably have much better luck with a stroked 350.

From the ghost of John Lennon on 23 January 2003:
Has anyone ever tried to make a blower out of a smog pump? I have one on
my '80 Firebird, and I plan to put it to good use (that little 301 needs
every bit of horsepower I can give it). I figure if you put a smaller
pulley on it, find some way to keep the bearings alive (or swap them
altogether), and plug up the holes in the back of the casing, this thing
could produce some serious airflow! What do you think?
I think you're nuts. That thing is so choked down, the loss of efficiency will ruin any possible benefit from added airflow.

From Roy Flippo on 1 November 2002:
hey brian thanks for the help although my situation has slightly changed. i have
found out the 400 big block was sold. would a 400 small block be better? also
one more question for you. this might boggle your mind. i have recently bought a
S10 blazer. it is the '90 edition. would my throttle body 305 work on my blazer?
also my blazer 6 cylinder is throttle body.
The smallblock 400 will actually fit pretty well without much difficulty. And the 305 should go nicely into your S-10, though it'll probably need its brain to go with it, and there will be some chassis mods involved.

From Roy Flippo on 31 October 2002:
Hi my name is roy. i have a 92 camaro rs. It is also the 25th aniversary
My question is: Would a 400 big block crate motor fit in my camaro. the engine
comes with its trany. If it would fit do you know how i could make it? thank you
for your help.
Yep, it'll fit, though you'll need to do some adaption to make it work. Might need a new hood too. And forget about being able to smog it.

From HJ Gould on 20 October 2002:
HI, I jsut recently bought a 1986 Iroc-Z. The original engine was LB4 305 carb'd
engine with only 165hp. That engine and the original 5spd are long gone, sadly.
:( The car's body is fabulous to say the least, though a good paint job is in
order. I am having a conflict with a few things.
Firstly, I want to go and get a 350TPI and a 6Spd tranny, corvette?
Secondly, the color of my new car is bright red, though the iroc looks beautiful
with the original color but my gf was opt'ing for this color:
So, I don't know what i should do. Here is the delimna.
Everything is original, don't have many options, only thing that is exciting
about the car is the power windows and fog lights. LOL Though I dont' have the
original motor and tranny, I am not sure if I should paint it the original color
to keep up the value or paint it the color my gf wants? Also, I will be doing
some mods to the car like 4 wheel disc, ac, 350 TPI with a 5spd
tranny(preferrably the 6spd, but will see), power seats are a maybe.
So, I am not sure what to do? I want to keep the color cause of the original
color red is nice. If I plan to make all those mods, would it matter if I change
the color and do all the upgrades? Or will I be better off leaving it all alone,
getting the original Tranny and 305 carb'd engine and jsut paint it and keep it
all original?
That is my problem, I think i spelled it out enough that I am confused as to
wether or not I should make the mods and keep it the same color or should I
change the color and make all the mods anyway or lastly should I just keep the
color, new paint, and restore the car even with the original engine and 5spd?
Without the options? LOL
Hey if you guys give me your opinions and console me in my time of need I would
be ever so grateful!!
ps: I only bought the rust free car for $900.00 Canadian. :)
Can I be a jerk for a moment and splash a glass of cold reality in your face?
It's a 1986 Camaro. Now, keep in mind, I say this with love in my heart
because I too once owned a 1986 Camaro. But it must be said. The chances
of it EVER becoming a collectible where anyone would care about
originality are remote. Compounding that, yours is not even a TPI engine.
Compounding that, you don't even HAVE the original drivetrain. Your car
will NEVER be original no matter what color you paint it, and further,
no one is even going to NOTICE for another 20 years at least.
Sorry about that. I know it sounds harsh.
The good news is, for $900 Canadian you got a GREAT car; I love those
old IROCs. Go and get a 350 (TPI I hope!) with a clear conscience. Go get
that 5-speed or 6-speed. (You will have an easier time with a 6-spd from a
1994+ Camaro than from a Corvette.) And go paint it however you like.
I think it's a great car, and I wish I still had mine. But it will never
be worth more to anyone else than it is worth to you. So enjoy it! And
send some pics of your first burnout.
I hope this helps.

From quiet six-banger boy on 29 September 2002:
hey, ive got a 94 v6 firebird thats quitet as hell. My parents wont let me
sell it to get a T/A so i have to modify what i got. i only have a few
hudred $. Is there any legal way to make my car legitly loud, perhaps
taking out the cat. or installing a 40 series flowmaster?
I'll do ya one better. Your money will easily buy one of those new electrically-activated exhaust cutouts. When the thing's closed, you get near-stock silence. Open 'er up, and you have totally unmuffled exhaust.

From Chris Anderson on 28 August 2002:
I have a TBI 305 in my RS, and here is what i have on it. I have edlebrock
hedders, MSP super conductor wires, b&m shifter, unfortunately it is an
automatic. What would you recommend for it? it does have 130k for miles
and there is creaking in alot of places. i'm just assuming it is that way
due to the miles. thanks for your time
Finish off the exhaust system, then look to see whether you can afford any intake mods. Depending on what you do with it, you might then want to think about some suspension stuff, a shift kit, maybe better gears in the differential.

From someone who needs a reality check on 11 August 2002:
I would really like to keep this car but it doesnt have any muscle.My question
is, could I replace this engine with a v8 and if so how many other things would
need replacing also? I would appreciate any info
you could provide. Thanks.
Yeah, you could plunk a V8 in there, but come on, with decent third-gen V8 Camaros below the $3,000 mark, why would you?

From Leo Kaiser on 26 July 2002:
I have an '86 Firebird with a dead A/C compressor clutch solenoid. I have a new
solenoid on the way, but I cannot find any info on how to remove and replace it in
any of the service manuals (Chilton's or Hayne's). I don't want to replace the whole
compressor since that means evacuating the system. Something tells me this is a no
brainer, but any shred of knowledge you can bestow would be appreciated. Any
I'm sorry to say, I don't know. Get a factory service manual. If it's not in that, then do like I do: hold the new part in your hand, and search the car for something similar, but rusty.

From Nate Nickels on 26 July 2002:
i cleaned it up some with so de greaser
it runs good but we need to get the timing back right casue the guy that had
it put the spark plugs in wrong place on distributer
i think i put them in the right order i know the firing order but not which
one on the distripuber it is but i think i have it
If it runs good, it's not very likely to be a head gasket, now is it?

From Nate Nickels on 24 July 2002:
I think i have a blown head gasket ... tons of smoke comes out of the engine
some where around the dip stick
it is not the value cover we just fixed that and i dont belive it is the dip
any help would be nice
got any idea on how much a shop would charge to fix the problem?
thanks again
Before spending tons of money on that head gasket, get your engine steam-cleaned so you can see where the oil is really coming from. There's lots of opportunities for oil to escape from your engine.

From Patrica Meogi on 9 July 2002:
i am looking to buy a 77 pontiac firebird formula hood. Can you help me find
one? Thanks patrica
Try a salvage yard. Or Hemmings.

From Sofia Peniche on 24 June 2002:
i crashed my car and im scared im going to get ripped off selling the parts.i have a
1994 LT1 engine 108000miles a rebuld better than new transmission and the computer
witch is ciped out. a guy is offering me 2500 for than minus 500 to take it out is
that a good price????and it would be great if you guys have a price list for parts
that you could email me or anything
thanx a lot and please answer me you guys are my only hope
Go to CamaroZ28.com and check out their classifieds; that'll give you an idea of what the market is like, and you can evaluate the offer that you've been given.

From a real Pal on 20 June 2002:
Hi - Love your website! I do have a question.....I've recently purchased
a 1987 Firebird Trans Am/GTA. My regular mechanic is not interested in
changing the spark plugs thinking it's too much work. We're not sure how to
get to them without taking the engine out. I'd like to know if there's an
easy procedure for getting to these. Thanks for any help you can give!!
Heh, well, at least your mechanic is honest about it. Some of the plugs in the back may be easier to reach from underneath. Go visit the great folks at Thirdgen.org -- you'll probably get a dozen methods for changing the plugs.

From James Jones on 2 June 2002:
Help, I have a 1978 Chevy Camaro and I am in the process of changing the
heater core. I have everything out of the way finally and have removed all of
the bolts that I can possibly see. The dang cover will still not come off! I
own an owners manual and also a Chilton and a Haynes. They do not cover this
but in the smallest amount. Help! Do I get out the ox and tie him up to the
thing or what?
Most likely you've missed the studs holding the heater box to the firewall, which are only accessible from the engine side. It's not fun.

From Rick Carter on 30 May 2002:
I own a 1995 Camaro Z28 with only 40,000 miles on it. It is beautiful.
I have treated it with great care, religiously having oil/oil filter changed every
3000 miles.
Dealer service of any nagging issues, etc.
Three days ago I noticed an engine "knock" noise.
I took it to the dealer today and am awaiting the diagnosis.
However, early impressions from the GM service tech are that I have connecting rod
Probably looking at a new short block as a minimum. I will hear definitively
This is extremely frustrating and disappointing. Being middle-aged, my "peeling out"
days are long past.
If this car had seen "hard" driving I might understand it. But after only 40,000
miles with the
"baby care" I gave it...I do not understand.
Have you heard of such premature failure? The original warranty covered engine for 3
years/50000 miles.
Should I push for GM to cover this repair?
Lastly, WHY? What would cause such a failure when the car has been babied around it's
entire life.
Well, I would go for a second opinion. I know plenty of guys who are pushing 400 hp on a STOCK shortblock, go racing at a local track every weekend from March to November, and have over 100,000 miles on the ticker. Not just one or two guys, but DOZENS. The LT1 can take a tremendous amount of abuse. I suspect you do not have rod knock. It is very unlikely. Definitely get a second opinion, perhaps from a performance shop if you can find one. If you DO have rod knock, that sucks. You've got a lemon. But it's a seven-year-old lemon, so you're probably stuck with it. But I really doubt you have rod knock.

From Videogame Nick on 12 May 2002:
Do you know where the glasspack would go on an 88 IROC?
Can I weld it on or does it have to be clamped?
It would go where your muffler used to be. Welding is preferred but you can clamp it with the aid of some adapters.

From Brian Washington on 9 May 2002:
HI. I have a 1995 firebird 3.4L and i was wondering where can i find throttle bodys
for it. or do they even make them for the 3.4L?
You can find one attached to a V8. Just install the assembly.

From Nate Nickels on 5 May 2002:
i got 3 of the bolts off but the fourth is impossible
tehre is no way to get it off you cant get leverage on the wratchet to move the bolt
it is an 84 trans am btw -- any tips besides taking apart the dash
thanks again
nate nickels
Get smaller wrenches.

From a Chiva pet on 29 April 2002:
Help im missing IROC-z stickers on my car.I live in the San Fernando
valley.I need directions for the stickers and were to upgrade my stock
350 car.
Year One will likely have your stickers. As for smallblock Chevy engine upgrades, if you do a little bit of actual research you might find a few options.

From Lisa Keilman on 28 April 2002:
I own an 83 Camaro Z28 with a stock 305
with an automatic 700R4, and I was wondering
if there were any upgrades to add more horses.
Nope, nothing. In fact, these days you're lucky to find anyone who knows what a smallblock Chevy is, never mind finding parts for one. You'd best stick to better-known cars, like the Hudson Hornet.

From Nate Nickels on 24 April 2002:
I have some oil buring around the header what should i do
Fix the leak.

From Harry Conner on 20 April 2002:
1984 pontiac conversion kits to fit chevy motors
I'am looking for any information you have on converting a
firebird to a chevy motor.
Dude, by 1984 your Firebird was already being powered by GM corporate engines, not by a specific brand. If it's a V8 car, it's probably a 305.

From Travis Forbes on 18 April 2002:
I have a 95 camaro z28. How can I turn off or take off the smog pump
without any bad effects on the car?
Why would you want to? The smog pump doesn't really affect performance.

From Tawnya Kassinger on 17 April 2002:
HI, I've got 91' Camaro RS. There are several customized thing I would like to do
with it but I don't know where to look.
Er, this is some sort of weird joke, right?

From Jacob Kassinger on 17 April 2002:
Hi, I've got a 91' Camaro RS. I would like to customize it as much as
posible but I really don't know where to look.
Dude, there is so much stuff out there for the F-body that I hardly know where to begin. Just start hitting up some websites, especially Thirdgen.org, and absorb information.

From Roger Vanbibber on 28 March 2002:
I would like to know that there are no ram air options for the 3.4 firebirds and
So would I.

From Joseph Lukas on 27 March 2002:
1982 Pontiac Trans AM MSE
Can you give me current prices for this model? One is a stick & the other is an
Nope. That would be a job for a price guide. This is not a price guide.

From Brian Masters on 19 March 2002:
I own a 1994 z-28 camaro with a 6 speed manual transmission. I have problem
when I floor the gas pedal to the floor the engine increase in rpms but the
speed doesn't good up. After about 2 seconds it feels like the transmission
kicks in and I speed up. Why is that?
It's coz your clutch is fried.

From Ryan Norvell on 6 January 2002:
the only question that I have is why are you running so slow? I have a 2001
ws6 6 speed with stock muffler and street tires that went 13.07@109.6 with
absolutely nothing done except window tint, honest. I previously owned a 99
z28 auto and with absolutely nothing done on street tread and went 13.57.
Although the best 60' i could get out of both cars was 2.10, the z went 8.73
1/8 and the current ws6 went 8.59 1/8. e-mail me back and maybe i could help
you lower your et just by your driving techniques.
Oh ouch, how you wound me. Well, if you browsed Spacebears Racing all the way through, then you know I was able to hit 13.5s with my '98 Formula when the clutch was good and the tires were fresh. Josh now runs the same times with his '99 Formula. The newer ones are definitely faster than the older ones.

From Two Cylinders Short in Pearland on 19 December 2001:
In your opinion what muffler has the best sound for a 1999 3.8 V6 firebird.
And where can i find it....is there a cherry bomb muffler for that model too?
In my opinion no muffler on the planet will help a V6 Firebird become legit.

From Al Caccamo on 24 November 2001:
Hi Guys,
i own a 2001 ws6 T/A and my front rotors are warped, i've already
bought some KVR replacement blanks and was wondering 2 things, one after
only 6k mile do i need to replace my pads if there is plent off life
still in them , the guys at mienke are my friendsand only are charging
me 25 bucks to do this but is there a caliper replacement concern that i
and they are unaware of..whats threadlocker?
thanks Al
Hi Al, your pads should be fine. As for thread-lock? I think it goes by a brand-name of Loc-Tite or some such. Any parts store will have it. It's a fluid that you put on the threads of the bolts. It keeps the bolts from backing out. And trust me, they WILL back out. Yes they will. Yes yes yes. It gets your attention.

From Christopher Ramey on 6 November 2001:
I saw your piece on camaro pads
How did you resolve the dramatic rear axle hop under braking that the LS1
cars demonstrate?
I didn't. I just lived with it. However, others have seen some success by using more aggressive pads in the rear, and using suspension upgrades like spherical-ended control arms.

From Jim Biondi, Jr. on 31 October 2001:
Hi! Do you know who may be making motor mounts to swap a LS1 into a 1986
camaro? Thanks for the help!!! Jim
No clue. I suspect it may require custom work. Check with the nice folks at LS1.com and Thirdgen.org.

From Big One Brent on 21 September
First of all...You guys have a great site!...job well done....Was
looking at some of your rotor replacement stories...really didn't find
one that pertains to mine though...just needing some help replacing my
rotors on my car...I have a 91 Pontiac Firebird...was gonna just replace
my pads....but with further inspection i found out by rubbing my finger
across my rotors that they were shot...reminded me of the Grand
Canyon....oops..so i figured i would change them while i'm at
it...recently received my new rotors and pads...so looking forward to
getting these guys on....but don't know where to start..i was wanting to
replace with all new parts other than the caliper..new seals,new
grease,new bearings..etc...what seals do i need...which bearings to
replace..what type of grease to use on the bearings..the entire
package...i would really appreciate a step by step procedure if you
could guys...i sure would be very grateful....Yall have a good one!
Hi Brent! I can't do a custom write-up for you. I can tell you that rotors area piece of cake.
Just take the calipers off and the rotors should come right off. Make sure to have threadlocker for
reinstalling the calipers. As far as the caliper seals and the wheel bearings, well the best thing to
do is leave 'em alone unless you know there's a problem with them. It's one of those areas where
you can do more harm than good if there was nothing wrong in the first place.

From Chad Davis on 13 August 2001:
I have a 69 camaro with a 327 engine. I don't know a lot about cars, but
recently when I kick in the 4 barrel, the choke is locking closed, killing
the engine. Why is this happening and what can I do to fix it?
Dunno! Start by having a friend work the throttle while you watch the choke and see if
something's binding up. Or, if your choke is vacuum-operated, you could have a vacuum
problem of some kind.

From Young Chillen Cisqo on 22 July 2001:
I am 18 and i was looking to buy a little import lots of custom possiblities. my
father on the other hand has a thing for american cars, and he is determined to get
me a 1993 pontiac firebird i like the deisgn but i don't see much that i can do with
the exterior. i am looking for a vendor that can provide me with a nice body kit
that puts it right in between a kitted import, and an american muscle car. any
information that you can give me apperiacted thank you
Hi! Hm. Let me make a couple of points. 1) Who is buying the car? If you're buying, get what
YOU want. If he's buying, shut up and be grateful you're getting a free car. 2) An LT1-powered
Firebird will beat the crap out of almost any 4- or 6-cyl import out there. 3) Anything that doesn't
make you go faster is a waste of money. 4) If you get a Firebird, stay away from the 1993 cars.
Get a 1994 or newer. The '93 models had "issues". For custom bodywork that doesn't make your
car faster, try RKSport, SLP, Suncoast Creations, and maybe Erebuni. For performance parts that make your car go
zoom, try Internet Racers Supply, Thunder Racing, T. Byrne Motorsports, Fast Toys, and Spohn
Performance. There's a huge community for F-bodys (Camaros and Firebirds). Try
F-Body.org (especially the regional mailing lists), CamaroSS.com, and LS1.com (wrong engine but smart people). There's almost
certain to be a local F-body group near you. With the LT1 or LS1, these cars are powerful and

From Matt Post on 30 May 2001:
I have a 1988 Iroc 5.7 and yesterday out of nowhere I have zero oil pressure,
have plenty of oil, do you have any idea what has caused this?
The first thing to suspect is the gauge sender. It's cheap at any parts store, and not too hard to
replace. You'll find it on the back of the engine, driver-side.

From Tammy Swanson on 20 May 2001:
Hi, I have an '83 Firebird TransAm that we are giving a new paint job, the only
problem is we can't seem to find any sites online that sell original decals. We
need to find a new bird for the hood, etc. I'd appreciate any help you can give me.
Thanks........ Tammy swanson
Try the Next Generation catalog from Year

From an unhinged reader on 8 April 2001:
I want to repair my saging door on my 85 Z 28 camaro . do you have any
information on parts to repair this problem. I know the hing is welded to
door and I want to find some kind of after market replacemeant bushings
instead of having to weld new ones on. Thanks ...
This isn't something I've dealt with, but I'm sure it's common enough that there's a fix for it.
Start by contacting Next Generation by Year One
for help. Also, post a message at ThirdGen.org and see
if you can't find someone who's already addressed the problem.

From Tom LaBarge on 24 February 2001:
I was wondering if you had any pictures of firebird trans am notch
backs? If you maybe knew how much they cost? Thanks
Nope on both counts. Have you tried Thirdgen.org?

From Rhys Jones on 29 January 2001:
Hi my name is Rhys Jones, and i was wondering if you could help
me out any with a question of mine. I am trying to replace my exhaust on my
1992 camaro RS and i was wanting to know how to get rid of the smog pump that
is run by the engine. I have no idea in how to do this so if you could
please help me it would be much appreciated.
Hi Rhys, the short answer is: you take it off. Just remove the pump and put pipe plugs in the
manifolds and put a cap on the AIR tube. You'll have to examine your belt setup to figure out
how to get by without a pulley there -- my car is different than yours in this respect so I can't
provide much guidance there. Have you been to Thirdgen.org? I'll bet you could find someone there who's
done it on a car just like yours and can walk you through it. Note that there's no performance
benefit to removing the smog pump.

From Bret Meich on 27 January 2001:
Hey...I'm in the market for a 1999 Trans Am. I recently found a similar '99
Formula w/ spoiler/leather/etc. What's the difference between the two cars?
Thank you
The difference between these cars is looks. The T/A gets a few extra luxury options and gets
the ugly wing & ground effects. The Formula gets the better-looking body and has the exact same
drivetrain. I have seen a ton of these cars dyno tested and there is no difference between them. I
would say get the Formula. And get a 6-speed; they're cool.

From Flavio Rosario on 25 January 2001:
Hi guys!
I would like to know if I can take out the heat shield from a catalytic converter
(camaro 1994), after I
cleaned out everything inside, I started to hear something vibrate on it.
Thanks for your time
I don't see why not. The heat that the shield is protecting against comes from the catalyzing
process, so if you've gutted your cat, the heat shouldn't be there.

From Quint Bush on 17 January 2001:
Hey guys! Great web site you have here. I stumbled across it while
searching for an answer to a question. I have a bet that a stock 1986
IROC has 210 horsepower from the factory (rear-wheel horsepower of about
185-190) with the 305 TPI. How close am I to being right?
Hi Quint! Thanks for the kind words. Sorry I don't have much on the IROC yet, but the darn
thing runs so reliably that I have very few opportunities to upgrade from attrition. But I'm going
to be building that car for racing, so in time there'll be a lot of really cool tech. On to your bet.
You lose unfortunately. The '86 305 TPI (code LB9) cars have what's lovingly known as the
"peanut cam" and are factory rated at 190 hp. The car, to be blunt, is kinda slow in stock trim.
Fortunately, smallblock Chevys are dirt cheap to upgrade. :) That's why I got one: good looking,
cheap to buy, and cheap to hot rod. Well, mine's not good looking, but it could be, if it were all
one shade of red. I haven't measured RWHP yet, and I'm not one of those types who "calculate"
it. I'll know when I measure it. Do you have one of these cars?

From someone who bought 3/4 of a musclecar on
6 December 2000:
great website! anyways, i have a 1994 pontiac firebird 3.4L V6. the only
mod i have done is flowmaster exhuast. could you give me some info on some
bolt on mods or anything else that will incease the look and performance of
my car? Without having to buy a V-8. I was waiting for that to come.
The easiest way to increase the power in your base-model Firebird is to trade it in on a V8
car. After that, you'll find that there are some performance parts available for that little engine,
you'll end up spending just as much money on the V6 as you would on a V8 and you'll never be
as fast. But if you're hellbent on it, check out the suppliers listed in the F-Body Link-A-Rama because some of them cater to you
small-bore types.

From Richard Farnsworth on 1 October 2000:
My first tip is to tone down the caps lock key. There are several books out there on modifying
the F-Body and the smallblock Chevy. Search any of the online booksellers, or Classic
Motorbooks; also, go to F-Body.org and join one or more
of their lists. You might also find help at ThirdGen.org.

From Chad Hickey on 25 August
Chad's 95 T/A Project.
I am slowly turning my 95 T/A into a WS6. I am going to have a one of a
kind WS6 with Viper Yellow paint job. When I get all my WS6 parts
rounded up, badges too. Monitor my progress.
Below is my URL, Thanks
P.S I found your link through August Issue of Car Craft on page
12 / CAR CRAFT / AUGUST / 2000
Check out our web page..
Hi Chad! Well. It's very cool that you found us through the Car Craft writeup! Thanks for
letting us know! As for a link... not yet. While your photos are cool, I need to see some tech,
something to help your fellow enthusiasts. Are you sure you really want to put WS6 badges on
your car? Then you'll constantly have to explain how it's not a REAL Ram Air car. Better to
make it your own model.

From Brien Laswell on 1 August 2000:
Hi there!
I found this page through a link posted on LS1.com and am very intrigued
by this airbox, particularly because it is not just a lid but an entire
airbox assembly. I have done searches to try and locate it but to no
avail. If you could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.
The owner of Modern Street & Race sold his company to a machine shop so that he could
start up an ARCA engine building facility. The new owners, only wanting the machine
stopped making parts. But as luck would have it, I sold my '98 Firebird. You can have my airbox, plus K&N filter, plus Amsoil filter and recharge oil,
for $100. It is not in perfect condition but you have to be paying attention to see the slight
cracking along some edges. And it is certainly a unique piece.

From Mike Gatts on 20 July 2000:
Hi there, I recently saw your Ls1 airbox on line and was wondering if it
would fit on a 2000 Camaro SS without hood interference. Also need to
know the price and availability of your airboxes. I have been
considering doing the free ram air mod anyway and it looks like your
airbox has the same benefits with out me having to cut the original box.
Thanks for any info and help. Mike
Hi Mike, lemme give you a little background. I don't make the airbox you read about; a company called Modern Street &
Race made it. MS&R was sold to a machine shop so that the owner could start a new business
building engines for ARCA racers. The new owners discontinued manufacturing the lids so this
piece is very rare. It sold for $450 new. I've sold my LS1 Firebird so I have no further use for it. I
am looking for about $100: that gets you the airbox, a K&N filter, an Amsoil filter, and Amsoil
recharging oil. There is some minor cosmetic damage, some small cracks. If your car does a lot
shows, the box might not be up to snuff for that. But if you're looking for a good way to pick up a
couple tenths on the cheap, this'll do it. Plus, like I said, it's unique, so it can be quite the
conversation piece. There shouldn't be any hood interference, and I don't think they've changed
the air intake from 98-00 so I think it should be a bolt-in. Just the K&N filter is worth almost
$100 so I think the price is pretty good. Let me know if you are interested.

From A Quake Junkie Called 'SlickoiL' on 22
Can a 700r tranny fit an 81 firebird fairly easy? I
have a slushy one in my 'bird, and a new 700r tranny
out of an 82 GM. Please help. Thanks
A Quake addict with a Firebird... there's hope for you guys after all! You've forgotten to tell
me what engine you have but so long as it bolts up to the TH700R4, I see no reason for it to not
work. You may wish to consider joining one or more of the mailing lists sponsored by the F-Body Organization as someone there has probably already
done the swap and can tell you all about it.

From Bob Buchser on 19 June 2000:
Great web site. I live in Oregon, where even if you can find a good test loc,
it's usually raining! I believe the TCS on my 2000 Firehawk helped fry my clutch.
Question 1. What is the best HD street clutch which gives stiffest feel, heaviest
bite yet doesn't stress the hydraulic system unnecessarily?
2. How do I set the TCS system up so it defaults to OFF instead of ON each
time the engine is started?
Traction control does nothing at the engine. It controls wheelspin by modulating the brakes --
in fact it piggybacks the antilock brake system. This is the first I've heard of the TCS
overpowering the clutch (or to be more precise, the engine overpowering the TCS with the clutch
as the weak link that let go) but based on your description I come to the same conclusion you
reached -- that's what happened. My guess is you're the victim of poor timing between the engine
and brakes while the clutch was partially engaged. Actually it sounds like the clutch may have
already been weakened, but without knowing the mileage and use of the car it's hard to say. But
anyway, enough with the conjecture, you want something you can use right?? Drive the car for a
day or two; if it drives normally, your clutch is battle-damaged (like those old X-Wing Fighters
made by Kenner, remember them?) but functional. You wouldn't want to race on it but it should
get you around for quite a while yet. But if you're getting a lot of slippage, too much chatter
(some chatter is practically normal for these cars), or engagement problems, it's gotta go. Then
what you replace it with is a judgment call. The stock clutch is far cheaper than the aftermarket
units and less fiddly too. I raced a whole season on a stock clutch so they can take a fair amount
of abuse. If your car's not a racecar, you're probably better off that way. I am fairly confident that
this recent event of yours was caused either by extraordinarily bad timing or a clutch that is
already somewhat weakened; I doubt it will be a recurring problem. But if you're ready to take on
the aftermarket clutch and its price tag, McLeod seems to be the best of them. Try Internet Racers Supply or Thunder Racing for pricing. As far as I know, there
is no way to change the default on traction control.

From Anon E. "Mouse" McKandles on 10 March
88 chevy camaro V6 to V8
I was hopeing I could obtain any information on swapping a 350 in where a
V6 once was. I wanted advice on trying to keep it fuelinjected, or changeing
it to carb. going with earlier "poly V belt bracket system, or trying to
retain the serpentine system. Iam not to worried about insection sticker,
but Iwould like to retain the factory gauges. If you have any ideas,
thoughts, or helpful hints please help out.
Hey there guy who doesn't sign e-mails! My humble opinions: 1) Keep it fuel injected. FI has
so much more power potential than carbs on street applications, plus there's better driveability
and fuel economy too. 2) You're probably better off using whatever belts your donor engine has.
3) I don't see why gauges are even an issue? And most important... 4) Go to F-Body.org and join the appropriate mailing lists. You will
get more help there than you will ever be able to use.

From Rob Kuras on 2 March 2000:
I just found your website through a search. I have a 1999 Pontiac Firebird in
desperate need of new brake pads. In an effort to save some money and learn a little
something, I've decided that I will try to install them myself. I have two basic
questions: (1) what is the best way to compress the caliper pistons if I don't have
the "special tool" or a c-clamp, and (2) is it necessary to bleed the calipers after
installing new brakes? If so, are the instructions on the site regarding a '98
Formula for just bleeding the brakes or flushing the system? Thank you very much.
Hi Rob, it's easy to do the job yourself. Use Replacing
the Brake Pads as a guide. To answer your specific questions... (1) get the special tool. It
costs about $10 from Sears or a decent auto parts house. Your life will be so much easier, you
will never regret it. It's called a disc brake piston compressor or something along those lines. Set
an old piston-side brake pad across the pistons and use the tool to compress. Easy. (2) it is not
necessary to bleed the calipers after swapping pads, although it's a good time to do it while
you're there anyway. The writeup I referenced explains how to flush the system but bleeding is
pretty much the same, except with less fluid transfer.

From Matthew Ferenchak on 11 January 2000:
Hey guys,
An excellent website! Enough [butt] kissing. Where'd you get the pads? You
mentioned brake bias towards the rear. I thought that the new F bodies had
an active proportioning valve, which was supposed to eliminate any of these
bias problems.
I have a 99 SS 6 speed. I agree that the firebird looks better, but I
didn't want to spend an extra 2500-3000 on basically the same car (even the
formula). I do like the 98-99 camaros much better than the 97 and earlier
I'm hoping to get down to one of those FATT days in WV this year. Maybe
I'll see you there.
Hi Matt! Good choice on brake pads. We buy them direct from Carbotech Engineering but you can also get them
from our buddies at Fast Toys. Whatever floats your
boat; the prices are about the same. We don't know whether the F-Body has an active
proportioning valve, but if it does, it sucks. We got pronounced axle hop under heavy braking, a
problem that was cured by switching to Panthers on the front and stock on the rear (note: don't
try this on the street). Your car is about the same as ours, and yes we did probably pay more for
it, but we don't care. In ten years the extra couple thou will be long forgotten but the beautiful
Formula will still be waiting to take us to work.

From Mike Harrell on 19 December 1999:
my name is mike and I am thinking about buying a 96 firebird.I am 17
and the only problem is my mom thinks I am going to kill myself this
winter.It gots a v-6 in it.How bad are they in the winter?
Hi Mike! First of all, whatever you do, stop skipping English class. Cheap shots aside, a
fourth-gen Firebird is perfectly safe year-round, provided you take some basic precautions. For
example, SLOW DOWN in bad weather. The tail will come around mighty quick on you if you
pretend it's not wet out. And if you live somewhere that gets snow, you need Bridgestone Blizzak
tires on all four corners. We drive ours year-round and we have way more horsepower than you
will with a weenie V6 so we know it can be done.

From Angelo Cerminara on 29 November 1999:
I presently own a 1980 Trans Am and I am interested in all parts you
currently have in stock pertaining to 1973 to 1980 Trans Ams.
Read it carefully, Angelo. It says "Paradise Garage Sale." Emphasis on "garage sale." What you see is what I got, and I've never owned a second-generation F-body so, uh, there ain't much for your car in my garage sale. Sorry bro.

From Bob Lipe on 14 June 1999:
I have been having trouble finding a good site with ground effects and other
accessories for my 1998 Firebird. It is the 3.8 liter model (should got the v-8,
but it is too late now :-) I checked out some of the links on your site-RKSport and
Eribuni Corp. RKSport seemed dedicated to Cameros and others instead of Firebirds
although I did notice a few exhaust upgrades for my v-6. And Eribuni has not been
updated since 1997. I would appreciate any info that you could give me.
Well for starters, GM sells a Firebird GT ground effects kit. It's in the GM Performance Parts
catalog -- a must-have for any Firebird owner. But if that doesn't float yer boat, Suncoast Creations has some really nice body
kits. And if you need still more choices, saunter on over to the Forum at LS1.com and ask those nice people.